Saturday, December 3, 2011

Teen Writer's Poem, 'Letter To My Unborn' is Hauntingly Real

I was honored and privileged to meet the students of teacher, Shirley Wu's English class at East Brooklyn Community H.S. and discuss my two books 'Brooklyn Story' and 'Street Angel'. Ms. Wu had warned me ahead of time that the teens had eagerly devoured both books and would pepper me with multifarious questions about the stories, plots and characters. And believe me, they did not disappoint.

One of the highlights of the visit was listening to young writer, Angela Grandison, (in pink on my left) recite her brilliant poem, 'Letter To My Unborn'. With her permission, I am putting it on this blog.

I also want the students to know I am reading all of the fantastic letters about 'Brooklyn Story' they wrote me. Thank you all for making my visit to East Brooklyn High an awesomely inspiring one. Here's Angela's poem:

Letter To My Unborn,

I planned to watch your tiny fingers grasp at everything in sight....

It was your bone to my bone, your flesh to my flesh....

I was hungry to show you a wonderful world but things don't always happen for the best...

The pain I feel, words couldn't explain, I wish you was here to rub my belly once again...

You’re in a better place then Earth that’s why i canceled your birth, your in a heavenly place...

One day in heaven I'll see your face...

I'm sorry for not giving you a chance...

But mommy wasn't ready to give up her plans... Up till today I still look at your sonogram and reminisce...

But I love you more than anything on this hell called earth....