The Knockout
A tragic contest
played for “fun” by youths with little sense of self-worth, little sense of
self-love and very little hope for their future.
This game
called Knockout, where someone punches a victim with the intent of knocking
them out, is an alarming trend that seems to be growing in popularity on the
east coast. The victims are apparently chosen at random and have included senior
citizens, and women: some who even had children with them. There have also been
reports that this game has caused a few deaths.
The thugs
who are perpetrating this vileness are usually teens who travel in gangs or
packs and are out looking for a manly thrill. They don’t seem to understand the
sickness and cowardice of their actions, similar to the creeps who use guns as
a way of settling beefs. It is an alarming microcosm of the larger picture of
the glorification of violence that has swept up many youths who are engulfed in
it in just about every facet of their lives. This is of course exacerbated by the fact that
there are very few places where teens can go and blow off steam the right way;
like social clubs, youth centers and community rooms. And of course, this is
all complicated by the fact that there are very few after-school jobs for these
teens. Hence, they have nothing to do after school and on weekends, so they
walk around in groups looking for trouble.
These young punks
would probably never step into a real boxing or MMA ring and fight someone one
on one. No, they operate on “gang courage’ and only feel secure when the have
their equally sociopathic peers around.
The Knockout
A tragic contest
played for “fun” by youths with little sense of self-worth, little sense of
self-love and very little hope for their future.